Marmoset is a 2D retro style platform game in a post-apocalyptic setting. The player is a female that is on mission to recover items from caves, like crystals and other items that can be used for crafting. Attacking enemies is generally done by trying to jump on top of them. The player has a hovering bot companion that can assist with mining and healing. The overall goal is to explore the caves and recover various items from them.

Marmoset defaults to non-English, it appeared to be Portuguese. There is a symbol in the lower right of the main menu that allows for setting the language to English or Spanish. Settings are very limited; only music and sound effects can be adjusted, along with the screen resolution and graphics quality. Unfortunately, there are no control options, no way to remap keys or disable attached controllers. This is a major problem as joysticks, throttles, and rudder pedals will provide input and break the game.

The game play Marmoset is a mixed bag of RPG style dialog, minigames, and typical platform level clearing. The player starts in a tree house containing a computer that allows the player to play minigames like old-fashioned “Snake” and “Tetris”. Rather telling is that these minigames are more fun and engaging than the main game. The player can meet up with a few people that give some background. One of them is a doctor that informs the player that the caves are full of radiation and not to stay down too long. Also, if they die and have to be recovered, it will cost “500 PURPLE CRYSTALS”. In the home, the player can end the day, which apparently heals and removes any radiation.

The game play in the caves is mostly a messy affair. The player uses a combination of keyboard and mouse controls, which left-handed players would require a third arm and hand to pull off successfully. There are many radiated pools, which bring a quick death. The player is equipped with jet boots that allow a slight hover effect that help get past some jumps, but the activation is confusing and doesn’t feel consistent. The player can execute a kind of skid to kill enemies, but it is also very inconsistent in activation and the key combinations don’t feel smooth. The enemies come out at night in the tree tops outside of the caves, and humorously look like killer tomatoes. The retro style graphics aren’t bad, but they are inconsistent also. There is a mix of high-resolution objects along with the blocky style objects. In the end, Marmoset is a game that most players will want to like, but it currently has too many playability issues to be recommended.
Jacmac is an ancient gamer that loves open world, strategy, FPS, and tactical sims, but will play almost anything.
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