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NecroBoy Path to Evilship is now available on Steam!

The release of the silly, spooky, and logically stupefying puzzle adventure game NecroBoy Path To Evilship has finally been witnessed, as it has reached the doors of Steam. The game is already live and available for grabs, with a discount of 20% until November 7.

Path to Evilship tells the story of a young necromancer aiming to become the greatest Lord of Evil! Using his dark powers, he’s bringing his NecroMinions back to life to do his bidding and solve puzzles to venture forth into the crypt of his infamous hero, NecroMan!

Developed by the one man Chillin’ Wolf team of Ulysse Frediere, with a little help for music from Nicolas “Kerch” Kerbourc’h and art from Arthur Jacob-Cavarec, is the eerie and funny story of Necroby, a lonely, gifted, megalomaniacal but not too bright and rather dramatic necromancer ostracized from birth due to his powers and his quest gain the powers of the infamous NecroMan and use those powers to rule over those that ignored and shunned him…now if he could only figure out the how and then what…

To gain these momentous powers, players must guide NecroBoy to delve into the treacherous tomb of the late NecroMan. Within the labyrinth tomb, players will summon the souls of the departed to become NecroBoy’s minions. Order your minions to perform various actions, such as flipping switches, pushing blocks, moving platforms, and many more gimmicks to solve all the puzzles each level holds to proceed to the next level.

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