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Dead Island 2's showcase was mostly just a bad live action short film


Early in tonight’s Dead Island 2‘s showcase, a character in a live action segment makes a self-referential joke that live action trailers set unreasonable expectations for video games. Let me tell you now: that is not true. I’d wager the writing and acting will be more believable in the game than in this live action short.

At the showcase’s centre of those wasted 15 minutes was, at least, a new viscera-slick trailer of the actual Dead Island 2. So you can watch that below.

That trailer doesn’t really tell us anything we didn’t already know. Dead Island 2 is set in an LA of obnoxious characters, many zombies, and much melee combat. It does look particularly gory though, with every punch, wallop, slice sloshing blood around like every zombie is a water balloon waiting to be popped.

The two new things shown during the showcase were the various pieces of tat to be found in the collector’s edition, and a staged demonstration of Dead Island 2’s “Alexa Game Control” functionality through which you can perform certain in-game actions with your voice. I don’t want either of these things.

If you’re really set on watching the live action showcase in all its awkwardness, the don’t let me stop you:

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