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Swordbreaker: Origins Review

A beautifully drawn and written interactive novel with fun storytelling that takes you on an adventure, how long can you stay alive for?

Swordbreaker: Origins is a beautifully drawn and written adventure novel game that is heavily decision-based. The biggest mechanic of the game is to go through the many scenes and scenarios and make as minimal mistakes as possible in order to progress the adventures of Danny, a young boy who has always sought adventure.

Death is a reoccurring theme in this game, make the wrong decision and Danny dies. Usually the choices available are obvious as to which is the correct course of action, other times you’ll have to actually think about it and discover the results of your decision.

I understand that the reward and purpose of this game is to go through as many options as possible through trial and error and figure out what is the correct decision and ultimately reach far into the story. I had fun exploring the many divergences in the story. There is however, an issue of the repetitive dying and restarting from the beginning. I understand the majority of people won’t see this as a hindrance and would instead see it as the games biggest feature and selling point, but it is certainly something to be mindful of if you’re the type of person who dislikes repeating dialogue and choices.

The amount of variety in the scenes and direction of the story is definitely interesting and unpredictable, it will always have you questioning who everyone is, what your next move should be, if you should be cautious or brave. The emotional influence Swordbreaker: Origins imposes on the player is worthy of great praise and respect. What’s worth noting is its +600 scenes and +200 ways to die, it is both admirable and creative yet painful to get through depending on your expectations starting the game and personalities as a person.

I would definitely recommend this to people who are familiar with the Swordbreaker series or have an interest in interactive novels and are open to exploring and decoding the puzzle of staying alive in Swordbreaker: Origins. Just keep in mind that there’s death and a lot of it in this game.
As a final note, I will say that Swordbreaker: Origins was a pleasure to play, however, the unfortunate downfall is the fact that it caters to a very small audience and relies heavily on individual patience to retrace the games events.

Click HERE to purchase Swordbreaker: Origins on Steam!

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Helrato, or Hel for short, is your typical young gamer from Australia who grew up with an older brother that introduced him to gaming. That same older brother would give him an unplugged controller and told him that he was playing, and that's how Helrato's journey into games started - by believing he was playing something when in fact he wasn't playing anything.

Helrato's favourite game franchises include Assassin's Creed, Age of Empires, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid. With his old favourite games of all time being Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena, Legaia 2 and Dark Chronicle (Dark Cloud 2). If you know those games, mad respect.

When he's not writing reviews, he's playing games, when he's not playing games, he's thinking about playing games, when he's thinking about playing games, he's at work - not playing games.

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